Traditional Croissants Class at Flour

TriMark Innovation Center (Innovation Design Building)
Seaport | 10 AM - 1 PM

Some mornings, you just wake up wanting to eat a freshly-baked croissant. Sure, you can walk out of your apartment to a nearby Flour Bakery but what if the snow if 2 feet deep and you just need to have your croissant!? Don’t worry, Flour is here to help. They are offering this 3-Hour hands-on class to teach you how to make your own buttery croissants at home, the Flour way. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to tell your friends that you learned how to croissants from the croissant masters at Flour!

TriMark Innovation Center (Innovation Design Building)

21 Drydock Ave, Boston 02210, USA

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